Fitbit SimpleWatch series Operations

(last update 2024-02-21)     

For SimpleClockWatch, SimpleClockAnalog and Tick Tock Clock

Main view


Numeral night view

Roman view

Tick Tock Clock
Pendulum view

Quick Guide

Switching to different views

Whenever the watch comes on from a blank screen it will revert to Analog mode, regardless of the prior setting. This is the auto switch mode to save switching back manually.

-  Tap on 6 o'clock position to switch to Classic numbers clock or Roman numerals on the main view

- Tap on 12 o'clock position to toggle between embedded digital Time, embedded Date or no embedded details

-  Tap on 9 o'clock position to change digit / hand colors,
- once to see chosen color name,
- again to change color, or back button or lower wrist to stop color change process

 - Tap on Hour hand to see temporary digital clock only, tap on the digital clock to switch back to main analog view imediately

- Tap on Analog clock background to get further information, in Digital view, such as Stats and full date.

- Tap on version is digital mode to get watch and clock details

Automatic Night mode hands show during 20:00 - 07:00 by default.

Optionally, during night only, to enable / disable this mode
Tap on clock face to switch between Digital and Analog view
multiple times.

Configuring Digital mode

12 hr

Digital Stats and verison

Plain view and name

Details mode view


SimpleClockAnalog, SimpleClockWatch
releases (V6 - Sense 2, Versa 4, V5 - Sense, Versa 3,. V4 - Ionic, other Versas)

Vx.3.32 - 2024-02-21
  • Improved layout and switching, added to Sense 2 and Versa 4
Vx.3.30 - 2021-05-26
  • Embedded date/time added
Vx.2.30 - 2020-11-11

  • Colour option added

V1.2.11 - 2020-09-09

  • Initial release

Tick Tock Clock releases
releases (V6 - Sense 2, Versa 4, V5 - Sense, Versa 3,. V4 - Ionic, other Versas)

Vx.3.32 - 2024-02-21

  • Improved layout and switching, added to Sense 2 and Versa 4

Vx.3.31 - 2022-06-14

  • Initial release