IQ Combiner Envoy metered Gateway

Envoy-S metered Gateway readings

{Using Current Transformers}

(Latest update 2025-02-26)

Warning: Different versions available for a Token based Envoy,
make sure to use the correct version for your system

                       Envoy-S             combinerbox


 Windows tool for real time
Home Automation and processing
home owners
New:  Android App for real time
Appliance and Energy monitoring for home owners
or Quick Installation checking for installers

CT meters

(Click image for details and download)

With this tool you can keep a permanent eye on
production and usage

It can be the source for or of information for
operating your devices


Real time CT Meters

CT Meters and Counters

(Click image for details and download)

See it in action
With the Android App you can monitor in real time
the affects of turning on/off devices

You can see the load each device draws
You can see on which phase it's connected to

You can immediately check the usage counters

Installers can quickly check installation is working

Various Envoy functions

<ip> Your local Envoy-S ip address

Home page - gives Serial number of Envoy in title [slow to load]
- plus overview in html format
returns meter values in JSON format
http://<ip>/production.json?details=1 returns meter values in JSON format
including phase data [slower to load]
returns overall watts now in JSON format open
http://<ip>/info.xml software versions in XML format
Non stoppable stream of activity
Complete inventory in JSON format Login 2
managed inverter table

Complete inverter information in JSON format
Login 1     
Old Envoy home
Inverter data
Login 2
Build and Network info [slow to load]
Main installer page
Login 2
http://envoy:9094/ivp/api.html ?

Login 3
Login 1
Username: envoy
Password: last 6 digits of serial number, found on the bottom of the device or home page

Login 2    
Username: installer
Password: installer password

Login 3
System username and password

Alternate login 1 method

maximum and last reported active power production information of the available microinverters.[not real time]

Total and Net power consumption information of the loads.

meter’s live data with tasks and counters.

Production and Consumption [not real time]

Which CTs are installed

Instant CT [Current Transformer] meter readings
very good and consistent response time, < 100 ms]

CT Meters

Settings view has possibility to write output to a file, specify the file name and location and click the tick box

CT Meters

Double Click the Envoy IP Address to resize the window to the small width
or right click title bar

Double click Grid value to include / hide the Phase information
or right click title bar

CT meters

New for - Token based systems with the newer version


Double click TimeStamp value to include the Phase information and settings information
or right click title bar

To renew a token -
paste it into the token area while the app is running and click on another field

See separate download and instructions below


For the token based CTMetersT to work this message should pop up and Yes be selected.
For older non Token based systems

Download Windows CTMeters.exe tool
Download Windows tool

Note: right click the zip file and in the general tab
click unblock, to avoid unnecessary security popups

(2021-05-17 Version 2.5.1)

If the Windows PC can be accessed by remote desktop,
 either over the local network or via VPN,
any mobile phone with Microsoft Remote Desktop can be used to view the information
Instructions for use:

Make a shortcut to the program and add the IP address of your Envoy as a parameter

(if you don't know it use Fing from the Play Store to find it
or a windows network scanner )

When you run it it will give you the option to tick "write to file" and enter the filename
If you change the the delay time, click in another field so that the new delay is registered
You can stop and start the process with the buttons

Note: it's best to put the output file on an SSD drive as its written frequently

If the primary CTs measure Solar Production and the secondary CTs measure Consumption
rename the program to CTMetersB.exe and make the shortcut to that.

Right click the Title bar to:

Show / Hide Settings information
Show / Hide phases information
Toggle, Always On Top, On / Off

Double click of  IP address or Grid value will resize the window accordingly

Program loads in same size, position and state as when it was last closed.

For newer Token based systems

Download Windows tool

Note: right click the zip file and in the general tab
click unblock, to avoid unnecessary security popups

(2025-02-25 Version 3.1.5) - Now with real time Volts available

Requires Windows 8 or later

If the Windows PC can be accessed by remote desktop,
 either over the local network or via VPN,
any mobile phone with Microsoft Remote Desktop can be used to view the information
Instructions for use:

Make a shortcut to the program and add the IP address of your Envoy as a parameter
optionally add a blank and the file name where the data is to be written

(if you don't know it use Fing from the Play Store to find it
or a windows network scanner )

When you run it it will give you the option to tick "write to file" and enter the filename, if different
If you change the the delay time, click in another field so that the new delay is registered
You can stop and start the process with the buttons

Note: it's best to put the output file on an SSD drive as its written frequently

If the primary CTs measure Solar Production and the secondary CTs measure Consumption
rename the program to CTMetersB.exe and make the shortcut to that.

Right click the Title bar to:

Show / Hide Settings information
Show / Hide phases information
Toggle, Always On Top, On / Off

Double click of TimeStamp, IP address or Grid value will resize the window accordingly

Program loads in same size, position and state as when it was last closed.

Entering the token can be done in several ways.

If none has been entered previously a prompt for pasting in the token will appear.

The token is saved in a file "myToken.txt".
You can create the file and add in the token [no new line, just the token]
and when the program is started it will pickup the token

See next step for token generation

If you need to renew the token there is this quick method
replace the xxxxxx with your gateway serial number

Download Windows Epoch Date Converter tool
prog       input

After downloading to its own folder

Right click and select Properties

Select Unblock

Always scan for viruses

Run the executable

Paste in the date to be converted

If there are several dates, click Convert


Download Windows JSON.exe Converter tool
Download Windows Converter tool

Note: right click the zip file and in the general tab
click unblock, to avoid unnecessary security popups

Tool to convert JSON strings into more readable format
Paste in the string to get the result

Home Automation, and solar self sufficiency
By reading the file generated by this program and
using calls to Shelly, or Sonoff, or myStrom switching devices
It's possible to turn on/off equipment depending on the produced solar energy
see sample open source program

For older non Token based systems

Download Android App 2.9 - tool

(2021-12-01 - Version 2.9, for most recent Android 8+ phones)

Download Android App 2.91 - tool

(2022-04-13 - Version 2.91, for most recent Android 8+ phones, supports VPN access)


Unzip the APK to a phone directory and install it - ignore warnings

Launch the App, Enter the IP address of your Envoy

Tap the IP address to get the IP address entry view

(if you don't know it use Fing from the Play Store to find it)
and how frequently it should check; 3000 ms is probably reasonable

Press Start to save the Settings and view the various items
Press Stop to end the reading

It is important to close it or stop it before switching to another app on the phone

Phone must be on the Envoy network [internal or AP] to work

For Installers:
Put the Envoy in AP mode, connect the phone to the Envoy AP Wifi
Switch from Envoy IP to AP and press Start to instantly see the results

The App Settings switch will enable viewing the Envoy counters
Press on Meters to see number of active panels and usage counter readings

The screen will remain on while the app is in use  for easy monitoring.

Note; App requires storage permission to save its settings

Note: right click the zip file and in the general tab
click unblock, to avoid unnecessary security popups
if using a pc


App shows

Solar production
House consumption
How much is being imported [orange] / exported [green]                             

Up to 3 phases for both Solar, and Grid with details

Time of last reading
Settings for Envoy IP address and delay between readings

The rotating circle indicates its running,
the number inside is incremented for each request
and resets to 1 after 99.

Scrollable raw data from the Envoy

Toggle the App Settings switch brings up the button
to read the Envoy counters for Lifetime and Today.

For newer Token based systems

Prototype for test (base meters are real time)

(Meter function counters are not real time
Enphase have removed this possibility with tokens)

Download Android App V3.04 - tool

(2025-01-14 - for most recent Android 8+ phones, supports VPN access)


Unzip the APK to a phone directory and install it - ignore warnings

Launch the App, Enter the IP address of your Envoy and token

Tap the IP address to get the IP address and token entry view

(if you don't know it use Fing from the Play Store to find it)
and how frequently it should check; 3000 ms is probably reasonable

Press Start to save the Settings and view the various items
Press Stop to end the reading

It is important to close it or stop it before switching to another app on the phone

Phone must be on the Envoy network [internal or AP] to work

For Installers:
Put the Envoy in AP mode, connect the phone to the Envoy AP Wifi
Switch from Envoy IP to AP and press Start to instantly see the results

The App Settings switch will enable viewing the Envoy counters
Press on Meters to see number of active panels and usage counter readings

The screen will remain on while the app is in use  for easy monitoring.

Note; App requires storage permission to save its settings

Note: right click the zip file and in the general tab
click unblock, to avoid unnecessary security popups
if using a pc


See last link above for quick token creation, if needed.

Solar related Videos

Searcher which follows the sun's
Azimuth and Elevation

Searcher howmade
Searcher in operation
How it was made