Fitbit In Case of Emergency (ICE) Operations
2023-01-06 Version 4.2.09 - Version 5.2.09 [Versa 3 & Sense])
Store Emergency Text and/or document photos on the watch
See this Guide for preparing your precision images to load
or simply use images directly from the phone
Guide to creating your precision document images
The see how to operate the App to load text/images to your watch.
Verify the watch is syncing with the Fitbit App before starting
Be patient to allow loading of files
Sample info

Quick Guide
Watch Navigation
- Launch the App on your watch
1. when there are no files on your watch yet
- Open the Phone this App Settings [see below] and add Text and/or Images
2. when there are files on your watch
- Swipe watch to the right to see previous Image [or Text]
- Swipe watch to the left, or Tap the display, to see next Image [or Text]
- Long press to see a list of Image names [in loaded order]
- Swipe face up or down to scroll the full list of names
- In Long press mode, a second Long press will show detailed data
- about the files stored on the watch [not in any order]
- To exit either Long press mode, tap the display once.
- Recovery: If you get the initial display inadvertently,
- Long press to recover the list of Swipe watch to the right to see previous Images
- unless there are no stored files
- then tap once to resume normal navigation
- Double tap the face any time or push the watch back button to Exit the App
Phone navigation
[after opening the App settings in the Gallery tile] and App on the watch
- There are three sections to managing the watch App
- The field to enter an optional text to load
- The name of an Image to load
- A picker to chose the Image to load
- Tips: You can't load an Image without entering a name for it first.
- Only Alpha Numeric names are allowed [unwanted characters will be removed]
- The name of the last loaded Image is shown
- You can replace an Image [see next section]
Modes of operation
Add a Text
- Prepare a text on your phone, such as in a draft email or text editor which contains
- your essential details to convey to assistance, see sample above.
- Use "." to start a new line for formatting to fit your watch display
- The OS replaces new lines with blanks so you can use "." instead
- Copy the text and paste into the Settings first field and click Save
- wait for the text to appear on the watch
- If the text is not well formatted, reformat it and repeat the process
- If the text is bigger than a screen it can be scrolled up/down
- there can only be one text but it's possible to add multiple document images
- the text is optional
- To remove all text, enter nothing in the text field and click Save
Add an Image
- On your phone, enter a name for the Image and click Save
- the following screen will appear on the watch to indicate the transfer
- process is started, in this example the image name used was "New Image"
- On your phone, click on the picker and choose an Image*
- If the Image is big you can adjust it in the capture window
- then click Done or Cancel
* If you haven't given the the Fitbit App access to photos it will prompt you for it
- The name and then the image will appear on the watch
Replace an Image
- Enter the same name as the one to replace and then Add the Image [as above]
- Restart the watch App to see the new Image
What the App can do
- Take photos of anything important pertaining to your assistance if in difficulty
- You can use the CardImage app for dealing with all other types of information on your watch.
For best best results. crop Images to your watch size and save with a
good short name in a separate Album on your phone - that way you have a
record of what has been loaded on the watch as backup.
Sense, Versa 3 - 336 x 336
Other Versas - 300 x 300
Ionic - 348 x 250
No problem - The app will crop them if you haven't.
To remove all the images from your watch, uninstall the app and reinstall it.
- Tips With scrollable text there is nothing to stop adding useful information for you on the end.
- For example, shopping lists or addresses or way points,
- or even adding non emergency photos or reference documents
- Only Alpha, numeric and _ can be used for names, any other characters are removed
- Images are stored in the order loaded which helps keep certain ones sequential
- The available space on the watch limits the number of items that can be saved
- If you uninstall/reinstall the watch App all Text/ Images will be lost from the watch App
- If the watch if Factory Rest all Text/Images will be lost from the watch App
- If the watch has a firmware update all Text/Images may be lost from the watch App
Other features
- Status bar is shown briefly at the top in yellow to verify settings and version
- Image name displays briefly before Image is shown
Last Image displayed is remembered.
- The app will close automatically
Special tips
- Do good planning, especially if you want pairs of Images or for the order of them
- Organise your Images in a separate Album on the phone first
- This will be both the backup in case you lose the App from the watch
[with a Factory reset or other watch operations]
And will make it easier to find and load, or reload Images
And can be a quick overview of what should be on the watch
- When taking pictures of documents, make a square template,
- which is is the same size as watch height and width
- This will make it easier to size them to fit your watch
Guide to creating your precision card images
ICE releases (V4 - Ionic & Versa's, V5 - Sense, Versa 3)
Vx.2.09 - 2023-01-06