Fitbit SimpleClock... (series) Digital Overview

(Last update 2021-08-02, current versions 3.7.09, Duo 4.3.60, 5.3.60 Pro 4.5.24, or 5.5.35)     

Quick Guide


Pause between touches for best results
Touch heart rate to switch views


Two touches on Heartrate takes you to watch Settings
Two touches on Drink glass takes you to Drink Settings

Colour schemes

yellow/red - switchable items
blue - link to detail views

Selectables (for more information)

Battery %
Steps This Hour
Drink Glass
Hour [Duo & Pro versions only]

Two touches on [Pro versions only]

Steps - for Always On
Seconds - for Timer Addon
Weekday - for Calendar Addon
 Active Zone Minutes
- for Calculator Addon

Tip: For reminders to drink users. By default the reminder is every 5 minutes, this is intentional to help you go to the drink settings page and set up the most suitable choices for you.
For Pro version defaults to On and 120 mins

See full documentation link at the bottom of the page     

PrimaryView image

SecondaryView image

By default Hourly Chime and Reminder to Drink are off

[Reminder to Drink needs 2 touches if an alert is required]
Settings image

Full details,Tips and History Here