MyDns Manager & Tools

Works with the excellent DHCP/DNS server from
There are improvements since dhcpsrv.exe version 2.10

A useful tools section is added below to produce reports to help with
monitoring intrusion, misconfiguration, or abuse issues

Manager for displaying Host names by IP address
and for validating the configuration file
Standard Installation
Install in your DHCPSRV directory
Installation option 2
execution option 1
Install in any directory
Make a shortcut and pass the path\file of the dhcpsrv,ini file as a parameter
Installation option 3
execution option 2
Run from any directory and by expanding the window
Enter the path\file of the dhcpsrv,ini file and press enter
Execution standard
Enter the last octet in the IP box and press enter to reveal the host name
Execution advanced -1
Expand the window to show the table of IP addresses and host names
Any duplicates will be shown in blue
Execution advanced -2 Expand the window to show the table of IP addresses and host names fully [to also display mac address]
Any duplicates will be shown in blue
Check duplicates do not have a mac address, to avoid conflicts
Main site
DHCP Server site
This tool
Download Windows MyDsn.exe Manager tool
Download Windows Manager tool

Tools - analyse DHCPSRV logs

By using GAWK to report on information in the logs, it is possible to see which devices are searching DNS and which devices are connecting to the network

This can help with security to see which devices are connecting that are unknown or are connecting frequently due to network or configuration issues

It can also see which devices are doing untoward network activity or need tuning.

Place the following in the DHCPSRV folder where the dhcptrc.txt resides and make shortcuts for direct execution from the folder.


Gawk for Windows
Gawk: pattern scanning and processing language

Manual and details

set FILE=%1
if %1x == x set FILE=dhcptrc.txt 
gawk -f dns.awk "%FILE%" >Out.txt
start /max notepad.exe out.txt

/Adapter 2/ {MYIP = $12}
(/QNAME/ ) {print $1 " " $2 " "  $4 "\tIP " MYIP}

set FILE=%1
if %1x == x set FILE=dhcptrc.txt 
gawk -f mac.awk "%FILE%" >Out.txt
start /max notepad.exe out.txt

/Client/ {MYMAC = $4}
/DHCP message/ {MYTYPE = $6}
{if (MYMAC == "78-92-9C-24-CF-32")  MYMAC = "ACER PC                      ."}

{if (MYMAC == "00-22-6b-ff-3c-a7")  MYMAC = "Cisco WAG160N                ."} 
{if (MYMAC == "00-22-6b-ff-3c-a8")  MYMAC = "Cisco WAG160N  WEP           ."} 

(/Client/ && MYMAC !=  "is" && MYTYPE !="") {
  print $1 " " $2  " Type " MYTYPE "\tMac " MYMAC "\t IP " $11