Shelley 1PM
| |
Products page |
Results | |
Shelly 1PM page |
No need to install an App or an Account unless integrating it with Google Assistant or needing remote access |
Setup |
Connect to power Find Wifi AP address in the form Shelly1pm-[mac address] and connect to it Go to browser and type address below and setup Wifi and initial settings |
| |
AP configuration |
Client mode after setup <ip> | Your local Shelley-1PM IP address |
http://<ip>/ | Home page - for configuration |
http://<ip>/status http://<ip>/rpc/shelly.getstatus (Shelly Plus 1PM) |
Returns JSON page | |
http://<ip>/relay/0 | Current status | |
http://<ip>/relay/0?turn=on | Turn On | { ison:true, has_timer:false, timer_started:0, timer_duration:0, timer_remaining:0, overpower:false, source:http } |
http://<ip>/relay/0?turn=off | Turn Off | { ison:false, has_timer:false, timer_started:0, timer_duration:0, timer_remaining:0, overpower:false, source:http } |
http://<ip>/#/ |
Shelly_1PMPlus - temperature values | |
http://<ip> /#/addon/manage |
Shelly_1PMPlus - manage external devices & temperature values | |
VB example |
JSON = urlLaunch("") |
Get the JSON status result or blank if offline |
VB6 routine (requires Microsoftl XML, v5.0 reference ) |
Private Function urlLaunch(ByVal URL As String) As String Dim Ans As String Dim oHTTP As MSXML2.XMLHTTP, sBuffer As String ModuleName = "urlLaunch" On Error GoTo HandleError 100 Set oHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") 105 oHTTP.setTimeouts 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500 110 "GET", URL, False 120 oHTTP.send 130 sBuffer = oHTTP.responseText 140 Set oHTTP = Nothing 150 urlLaunch = sBuffer HandleExit: Exit Function HandleError: urlLaunch = "" Set oHTTP = Nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Function |
VB6 convert JSON result to readable |
Function JSONFormat(JSON As String) As String y = Replace(JSON, vbTab, "") y = Replace(y, vbLf, "") y = Replace(y, "{", "{" & vbCrLf) y = Replace(y, "}", vbCrLf & "}") y = Replace(y, ",", vbCrLf) JSONFormat = y End Function |
Download JSON.exe Converter tool Download Converter tool |
Useful links | |